In 2021 I enrolled on the Televison and Radio Production degree at Salford University. I chose this pathway due to my love of media progressing from GCSE Photography at school to taking a media L3 extended diploma at college and attaining a distinction. I then decided to push myself further and start a degree in it. The reason Salford University stood out for me was the amazing campus it has at MediaCityUK studying right in the middle of the BBC and ITV! I found this to be a perfect choice for future job opportunities. I am motivativated and confident that one day I will work at Media city/Manchester. It has always been a dream for me to live in media city since I was a little girl now 15 years later i’m living my dream! I am now just about to finish my 3rd year and graduate in July! I am so excited to carry on with learning and pushing myself in different roles in the media field!

Please see below a collection of images of what I have been getting up to over the past few months whilst studying. I produced my own show, i’ve presented on various radio and TV shows, I have learnt how to use professional lighting and camera equipment and so much more…..